What Documents Need to Be Notarized and How to Do It?

Posted on Sept 19th, 2023

In a world where legal documents play a crucial role in various aspects of our lives, ensuring their authenticity and compliance is of paramount importance. 

This is where notarization comes into play. 

Notarizing a document involves having it verified and authenticated by a notary public. 

But what documents need to be notarized, and how is it done? 

In this post, we'll delve into the world of notarization, exploring its significance, the types of documents that require it, and the process of getting a document notarized.

Understanding the Importance of Notarization

Notarization is a critical step in the legal and administrative world. It serves as a safeguard to ensure that documents are genuine, accurate, and in compliance with the law. 

Here's why notarization is vital:

  • Legal Validity: Notarized documents hold more weight in legal proceedings and contracts. The notary's seal and signature provide a level of trust and authenticity that is respected by authorities.
  • Preventing Fraud: Notaries are trained to verify the identity of the signatories, reducing the risk of fraud or impersonation. This added layer of security is especially crucial for sensitive documents.
  • Global Acceptance: Notarized documents are often required for international transactions, such as overseas property purchases, immigration applications, or foreign adoptions. Many countries demand notarized documents to ensure their authenticity.

What Documents Need to Be Notarized?

Notarization is typically needed for a wide range of documents, and the necessity can vary depending on state laws and specific circumstances. Here, we'll explore various types of documents that often need notarization, shedding light on their significance and why notarization is required.

Legal Contracts

Legal contracts form the backbone of many business transactions and agreements. Whether it's a lease agreement, a business contract, a partnership agreement, or a sales contract, these documents often require notarization. Notarizing a legal contract adds a layer of authenticity, making it legally enforceable and reducing the risk of disputes.

Property Documents

Property-related documents, such as deeds, mortgages, and property transfers, typically require notarization. This ensures that these critical transactions are accurately documented and comply with state and local laws. Notarized property documents are especially crucial in real estate transactions, where substantial assets and legal obligations are involved.

Estate Planning Documents

Estate planning involves preparing for the distribution of assets and the management of affairs after an individual's passing. Wills, trusts, and power of attorney documents are fundamental components of estate planning. Notarizing these documents is essential to ensure their authenticity and validity. Without notarization, disputes over the legitimacy of these documents can arise, leading to legal complications.

Financial Documents

Financial documents often require notarization to provide legal protection and clarity for all parties involved. Loan agreements, promissory notes, and financial contracts are examples of documents that may need notarization. Notarization confirms that the individuals entering into these financial arrangements are doing so willingly and with full understanding of the terms.

Medical Records and Health-Related Documents

In some cases, medical documents may need to be notarized. This can include documents such as medical power of attorney, advanced healthcare directives, or consent forms for specific medical procedures. Notarizing these documents helps ensure that individuals' healthcare wishes are honored, especially in critical medical situations where decision-making capacity may be compromised.

Affidavits and Sworn Statements

Affidavits and sworn statements are legal documents used in various contexts, including legal proceedings and court cases. Notarization of these documents serves to verify the accuracy of the statement and the identity of the affiant (the person making the statement). Notarized affidavits hold more weight in legal proceedings, as they are considered more reliable and trustworthy.

Now that we've established the significance of notarization and identified the types of documents that often need it, let's explore the process of getting a document notarized.

How to Get a Document Notarized

Now that we've established the significance of notarization and identified the types of documents that require it, let's explore the process of getting a document notarized:

1. Locate a Notary Public

The first step is to find a qualified notary public. Notary services are available at various locations, including banks, law offices, government offices, and notary public businesses like Jim the Notary and Apostille.

2. Bring Your Document

Once you've located a notary, bring the document you need notarized and a valid form of identification, such as a driver's license or passport.

3. Verification of Identity

The notary will verify your identity to ensure you are the person who should be signing the document.

4. Signing in Front of the Notary

Sign the document in front of the notary. It's essential to sign the document in their presence to confirm that you are the one signing it.

5. Notary's Seal and Signature

After you've signed the document, the notary will affix their seal and signature to the document. This seal is proof that the document has been notarized.

6. Notary's Record

The notary will maintain a record of the notarization, including details of the document and the individuals involved.

Where to Get Documents Notarized

Access to notary services is crucial, as it ensures that your important paperwork is properly authenticated and legally recognized. Whether you're in a bustling city or a quieter town, you have several options for obtaining notary services. Here, we'll explore the various places where you can access notary services, making it easier for you to fulfill your notarization needs with convenience and efficiency.

Here are some common options:

  • Banks and Credit Unions: Many banks offer notary services to their customers free of charge or for a nominal fee.
  • Notary Public Offices: Independent notary publics, like Jim the Notary and Apostille, specialize in providing notary services to the public. These businesses often offer convenient hours and locations.
  • Law Offices: If you're already working with an attorney on a legal matter, they may provide notary services as part of their practice.
  • Government Offices: Some government offices, such as courthouses or city halls, have notaries available to the public.
  • Online Notary Services: In some states, online notary services are now available, allowing you to notarize documents remotely through video conferencing.
  • Mobile Notary: Mobile notary services bring the notary public to your location, whether it's your home, office, or another designated place. This option is particularly useful if you have mobility constraints or prefer the convenience of notarization at your chosen location.


Notarization plays a crucial role in ensuring the authenticity and legality of various documents in our lives. From real estate transactions to immigration applications and legal contracts, notarized documents are trusted by authorities and institutions worldwide. 

When you need reliable notary services in Los Angeles, turn to Jim the Notary and Apostille. Our team is dedicated to providing you with convenient, efficient, and professional notary solutions.

Contact us today at (213) 400-7622 or via email at [email protected] to discuss your notary and apostille needs. We're here to assist you in making your important documents official and legally recognized.

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